Take advantage of all the good results

Did you know that it is completely legal to place the very same technical article in every European country as long as it is translated into a different language? One article could end up in 10+ countries and then be reworked into a blog post, an opinion piece, a Q&A article and an infographic. However, there is a thin red line that you should never cross – a good magician never reveals his secrets!

We have been to almost every major consumer tech convention, gaming festival and trade show in the world. It’s a pity there are so many missed opportunities at these trade shows. We like helping companies represent themselves more effectively and take advantage of the news cycles surrounding the events.

Nowadays people use crowdfunding campaigns for literally everything, and it works. And this has become an increasingly effective way to take your company to the next level as there’s always people who are interested in getting a bargain. It’s a common thought that crowdfunding is only for start-ups – you would be surprised of the success you can have even if you are a major industry player – everything is possible as long as you serve it the right way.

If advertising is telling the world you are a rock star, inbound marketing is showing them you are a rock star. By delivering helpful content and expertise, inbound marketing builds connections, and great experiences that drive referrals and accelerate business growth. Nowadays customers are looking to feel more and more connected to the brand they like. Follow on social media is not always enough, especially if your budget for SM advertising is limited. Inbound marketing gives that connection and trust.

Even though it is hard for us PR guys to admit that you need to spend money on advertising, we really believe that you must. Not spending money on advertising and completely focusing on PR is similar to eating the seeds before you plant them. It gives you a temporary pleasure of fullness but the next day you are hungry again. Planting the seeds in the right place is crucial. We’ve been working with the media for years, we know how to negotiate and get you more bang for your buck.

How wonderful would it be if you can get the social media supervisor of a magazine that directly speaks to your audience to tweet about your company? Yes it is great, and we have a reputation for delivering results like these for our customers. Depending on the industry you are in, sometimes a single mention on Twitter can get you in the news.